This package contains functions to estimate the regression parameters \(\beta= (\beta_1,\beta_2^T)^T\) for the semiparametric transformation model using imputation method, naive method and regression calibration methods. Standard errors for these parameter estimates are also provided. The linear transformation model is given by

\(H(T)= - X\beta_1 - Z^T\beta_2 + e\),

where \(T\) is the interval-censored time-to-event, \(H\) is an unknown monotone transformation function on \((0,\infty)\) with \(H(T)\to -\infty\) as \(T\to 0\), \(X\) is the covariate measured with error and \(Z\) is the error-free covariate, \(e\) is the error with a completely known distribution function and is independent of both \(X\) and \(Z\).

The observed data are collected from \(n\) independent subjects randomly drawn from an underlying population. The data from the \(i\)th subject is of the form \((L_i, R_i, \Delta_i, W_{i1}, \dots, W_{im}, Z_i)\), \(i=1, \dots, n\). For the \(i\)th subject, if the right censoring indicator \(\Delta_i=1\), then the time-to-event \(T_i\) satisfies \(L_i<T_i\leq R_i\), and when \(\Delta_i=0\), the subject is right censored above \(L_i\), and \(L_i<T_i <\infty\). Here \(Z_i\) is a \(p\times 1\) vector of error free covariates, and \(W_{i1}, \dots, W_{im}\) denote the replicated measurements on a surrogate variable for \(X\). The surrogacy implies that conditional on the true covariates, the surrogate variable is independent of the response \(T\). We assume that the observed surrogate \(W\) is related to the unobserved covariate \(X\) through the additive measurement error model,

\(W_{ij}=X_i+U_{ij}\), \(j=1, \dots, m\),

where measurement error \(U_{ij}\)’s are assumed to be independently and identically distributed (iid) \({\rm Normal}(0, \sigma^2_u)\) variables. Furthermore, we assume that \(U\) is completely independent of other observed variables.

In the following example, we will simulate a dataset using the true parameter values \(\beta_1= -1\) and \(\beta_2= 1\) and then use the package to get the estimates of the parameters and their standard errors using the naive (NV), regression calibration (RC) and imputation (IM) methods.

The following function is used in generating epsilon from its CDF. Here, a choice of \(r=0\) generates Cox PH model and \(r=1\) generates Proportional Odds model.

  rsep= function(u,r)
            return(  log(-log(1-u))  )
            return(  log((exp(-r*log(1-u))-1)/r)  )
  n= 200        # sample size
  m= 10         # number of failure-time imputations
  nrep= 2       # number of repeated measurements for W
  gridlen= 0.1  # grid length to divide time intervals

  result= NULL
# x= rnorm(n, mean= 0, sd=1)               # symmetric true X
  x= (rgamma(n,shape=2,scale=2)-4)/sqrt(8) # skewed true X
  z2= rbinom(n,1,0.5)                      # error-free covariate Z

Generating the random error terms:

  ugen= runif(n)
  rfix= 0.0         #characterizes the error-distribution
  ep= rsep(ugen,rfix)

  truebeta= c(-1,1)
  logt= -truebeta[1]*x -truebeta[2]*z2 + ep + 3
  ttime= exp(logt)  #true failure time
  cen= runif(n,0,0.0001)

Creating the intervals \((L_i,R_i],\; i=1, \dots, n\)

  len= 0.12
  taumat= matrix(0,n,10)
  taumat[,10]= 9000000000 # a large value used to denote infinity for right-censored observations; 
                          # if you're changing this, change rcpos below
  taumat[,2]= cen
  for(i1 in 3:9)
    taumat[,i1]= taumat[,2]+(i1-1)*len
  right1= rep(0,n)
  left= rep(0,n)
  for(i2 in 1:n)
    lenleft= length(which(taumat[i2,2:9]<ttime[i2]))
    leftpot= rep(0,8)
    leftpot[1:lenleft]= 1
    missvec1= c(rbinom(4,1,0.7),rbinom(4,1,0.5))
    left[i2]= max(leftpot*missvec1*taumat[i2,2:9])
      left[i2]= taumat[i2,2]
    lenright= length(which(taumat[i2,2:10]>ttime[i2]))
    rightpot= rep(0,9)
    rightpot[(9-lenright+1):9]= 1
    missvec2= c(rbinom(4,1,0.7),rbinom(4,1,0.5),1)
    right1temp= rightpot*missvec2*taumat[i2,2:10]
    right1[i2]= min(right1temp[right1temp!=0])

Identifying the positions of the right-censored observations:

  rcpos= which(right1==9000000000)
  lrcpos= length(rcpos)
  notrcpos= (1:n)[-rcpos]
  deltatemp= rep(1,n) # del=1 are uncensored observations
  deltatemp[rcpos]= 0
  k= sum(deltatemp)   # number of data points that are not right censored

Generating measurement error from a skewed distribution:

  umat= matrix((rgamma(n*nrep,shape=2,scale=2)-4)*0.70711/sqrt(8),n,nrep)
  wmat= x+umat

Creating the data matrix and specifying the number of \(T\) and \(X\) imputations:

  datamat= cbind(left,right1,deltatemp,z2)
  ntimp= m
  nximp= 20

Loading the package in the current workspace


The final step is feeding the arguments into the function:

head(datamat) # Just seeing the input objects
##           left right1 deltatemp z2
## [1,] 0.9600175  9e+09         0  0
## [2,] 0.9600031  9e+09         0  0
## [3,] 0.9600308  9e+09         0  0
## [4,] 0.6000660  9e+09         0  1
## [5,] 0.8400124  9e+09         0  1
## [6,] 0.9600351  9e+09         0  0
##            [,1]       [,2]
## [1,] -0.6308733 -0.4966032
## [2,]  1.5712982  1.1165383
## [3,]  0.1825023 -0.9672121
## [4,] -0.5859009 -1.0583013
## [5,] -1.6817932 -1.6694583
## [6,] -0.2043142 -0.5999319
## [1] 0
## [1] 0.1
## [1] 10
## [1] 20, wmat, rfix, gridlen, ntimp, nximp) # Since rfix=0, we fit a PH models
## $beta1.est
## [1] -0.835492
## $beta2.est
## [1] 0.3013384
## $
## [1] 0.4055803
## $
## [1] 0.557459

The im() function returns the following estimates and standard errors when a proportional hazard model is fitted to the dataset:

IM estimate of \(\beta_1\) = -0.8354

IM estimate of \(\beta_2\) = 0.3013

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_1\) = 0.4055

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_2\) = 0.5574

Next we use the rc() and nv() functions to calculate the regression calibration and naive estimates respectively., wmat, 1, gridlen, ntimp, nximp) # Since rfix=1, we fit a PO models
## $beta1.est
## [1] -0.7732787
## $beta2.est
## [1] 0.3492097
## $
## [1] 0.384812
## $
## [1] 0.5824028, wmat, 2, gridlen, ntimp, nximp) # Note that rfix=2 yields a general model
## $beta1.est
## [1] -0.8459139
## $beta2.est
## [1] 0.3877627
## $
## [1] 0.4387852
## $
## [1] 0.6162083, wmat, rfix, gridlen, ntimp)
## $beta1.est
## [1] -0.7944614
## $beta2.est
## [1] 0.3290693
## $
## [1] 0.3690732
## $
## [1] 0.5511381

The rc() function returns the following estimates and standard errors:

RC estimate of \(\beta_1\) = -0.7944

RC estimate of \(\beta_2\) = 0.3298

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_1\) = 0.3687

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_2\) = 0.5510, wmat, rfix, gridlen, ntimp)
## $beta1.est
## [1] -0.6806057
## $beta2.est
## [1] 0.320266
## $
## [1] 0.3159862
## $
## [1] 0.5510121

The nv() function returns the following estimates and standard errors:

NV estimate of \(\beta_1\) = -0.6803

NV estimate of \(\beta_2\) = 0.3194

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_1\) = 0.3161

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_2\) = 0.5508

The functions imw1() and rcw1() are used when only one replication of the surrogate variable \(W\) is available. While everything else remain same as the example provided above, these functions require a known value for the measurement error variance because it is no longer possible to estimate it from only one replication. Note that the nv() function is capable of handling the single replication scenario. We use the same example as above after making these few modifications. The changed lines are highlighted.

The following function is used in generating epsilon from its CDF. Here, a choice of \(r=0\) generates Cox PH model and \(r=1\) generates Proportional Odds model.

  n= 200                         # sample size
  m= 10                          # number of failure-time imputations
  nrep= 1                        # number of repeated measurements for $W$
  sigma2u= 0.5                   # measurement error variance
  gridlen= 0.1                   # grid length to divide time intervals

  result= NULL
#  x= rnorm(n, mean= 0, sd=1)              # symmetric true X
  x= (rgamma(n,shape=2,scale=2)-4)/sqrt(8) # skewed true X
  z2= rbinom(n,1,0.5)                      # error-free covariate Z

Generating the random error terms:

  ugen= runif(n)
  rfix= 0.0             # characterizes the error-distribution
  ep= rsep(ugen,rfix)

  truebeta= c(-1,1)
  logt= -truebeta[1]*x -truebeta[2]*z2 + ep + 3
  ttime= exp(logt)      # true failure time
  cen= runif(n,0,0.0001)

Creating the intervals \((L_i,R_i],\; i=1, \dots, n\)

  len= 0.12
  taumat= matrix(0,n,10)
  taumat[,10]= 9000000000 # a large value used to denote infinity for right-censored observations; 
                          # if you're changing this, change rcpos below\\
  taumat[,2]= cen
  for(i1 in 3:9)
    taumat[,i1]= taumat[,2]+(i1-1)*len
  right1= rep(0,n)
  left= rep(0,n)
  for(i2 in 1:n)
    lenleft= length(which(taumat[i2,2:9]<ttime[i2]))
    leftpot= rep(0,8)
    leftpot[1:lenleft]= 1
    missvec1= c(rbinom(4,1,0.7),rbinom(4,1,0.5))
    left[i2]= max(leftpot*missvec1*taumat[i2,2:9])
      left[i2]= taumat[i2,2]
    lenright= length(which(taumat[i2,2:10]>ttime[i2]))
    rightpot= rep(0,9)
    rightpot[(9-lenright+1):9]= 1
    missvec2= c(rbinom(4,1,0.7),rbinom(4,1,0.5),1)
    right1temp= rightpot*missvec2*taumat[i2,2:10]
    right1[i2]= min(right1temp[right1temp!=0])

Identifying the positions of the right-censored observations:

  rcpos= which(right1==9000000000)
  lrcpos= length(rcpos)
  notrcpos= (1:n)[-rcpos]
  deltatemp= rep(1,n) # del=1 are uncensored observations
  deltatemp[rcpos]= 0
  k= sum(deltatemp)   # number of data points that are not right censored

Generating measurement error from a skewed distribution:

  umat= matrix((rgamma(n*nrep,shape=2,scale=2)-4)*0.70711/sqrt(8),n,nrep)
  wmat= x+umat

Creating the data matrix and specifying the number of \(T\) and \(X\) imputations

  datamat= cbind(left,right1,deltatemp,z2)
  ntimp= m
  nximp= 20

The final step is feeding the arguments into the function:

head(datamat) # Just checking  the input objects
##           left right1 deltatemp z2
## [1,] 0.9600175  9e+09         0  0
## [2,] 0.9600031  9e+09         0  0
## [3,] 0.9600308  9e+09         0  0
## [4,] 0.6000660  9e+09         0  1
## [5,] 0.8400124  9e+09         0  1
## [6,] 0.9600351  9e+09         0  0
##            [,1]
## [1,] -0.6308733
## [2,]  1.5712982
## [3,]  0.1825023
## [4,] -0.5859009
## [5,] -1.6817932
## [6,] -0.2043142
## [1] 0
## [1] 0.1
## [1] 10
## [1] 20
## [1] 0.5, wmat, rfix, gridlen, ntimp, nximp, sigma2u)
## $beta1.est
## [1] -1.004976
## $beta2.est
## [1] 0.3118699
## $
## [1] 0.7496049
## $
## [1] 0.5665249

The imw1() function returns the following estimates and standard errors:

IM estimate of \(\beta_1\) = -1.004

IM estimate of \(\beta_2\) = 0.3118

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_1\) = 0.7496

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_2\) = 0.5665

Next we use the rcw1() and nv() functions to calculate the regression calibration and naive estimates respectively., wmat, rfix, gridlen, ntimp, sigma2u)
## $beta1.est
## [1] -0.7239568
## $beta2.est
## [1] 0.3386628
## $
## [1] 0.3906076
## $
## [1] 0.5500546

The rcw1() function returns the following estimates and standard errors:

RC estimate of \(\beta_1\) = -0.7239

RC estimate of \(\beta_2\) = 0.3386

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_1\) = 0.3906

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_2\) = 0.5500, wmat, rfix, gridlen, ntimp)
## $beta1.est
## [1] -0.5086121
## $beta2.est
## [1] 0.3419563
## $
## [1] 0.2734373
## $
## [1] 0.5485249

The nv() function returns the following estimates and standard errors:

NV estimate of \(\beta_1\) = -0.5086

NV estimate of \(\beta_2\) = 0.3419

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_1\) = 0.2734

Estimated standard error of \(\beta_2\) = 0.5485