", " "); $this = strtr($this, "<", " "); $this = strtr($this, "|", " "); $$key = $this; } //////////////////////////////// // This will catch if someone is trying to submit a blank // or incomplete form. //////////////////////////////// if ($name && $email && $message ) { //////////////////////////////// // This is the meat of the query that updates the guests table //////////////////////////////// $query = "INSERT INTO $dbtable"; $query .= "(guest_id, guest_name, "; $query .= "guest_email, guest_time, guest_message) "; $query .= "values(0000,'$name','$email',NULL,'$message')"; mysql_pconnect("$dbhost","$dbuserid","$dbpasswd") or die("Unable to connect to SQL server"); mysql_select_db("$dbname") or die("Unable to select database"); mysql_query($query) or die("Insert Failed!"); } else { //////////////////////////////// // If they didn't include all the required fields set a variable // and keep going. //////////////////////////////// $notall = 1; } } ?> Statistics 626 Guest Book

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Name: Email: Date: $orgdate\n"; ?>